WHERE IS MAN CREAM MADE? Right here in the USA, specifically in California.

WHY DOES MY JAR LOOK MORE EMPTY? This is one of the growing pains: when you make a whipped tallow, and you ship it somewhere warm, it can melt. You're still getting the 2floz we promise, but it may look a little emptier. We can send you a new one, or you can use it as you normally would!

WHAT QUALITY IS THE BEEF TALLOW? it's 100% grass-fed and finished.

DO YOU HAVE AN AFFILIATE PROGRAM? Yes, you can sign up here.

WHO ARE YOU GUYS? John is the founder and CEO of Man Cream. You may know him from his very unhinged social media presence under many different names: Raw Meat Experiment and Raw Chicken Experiment to name a couple.

DO YOU OFFER REFUNDS? Yes! We always want to find a solution though if we can, but we do offer refunds if you're not happy. We're a very new company so there is a learning curve to our business.